What People Are Saying

I just can’t get enough of Looporia’s latest track, “Mothership Down”. This song is an absolute banger that I’ve been playing on repeat. The blend of electronic beats with that smooth, captivating melody is simply irresistible. Looporia has truly outdone themselves with this one, creating a soundscape that feels both futuristic and nostalgic.


“Living by the sea has profoundly influenced Daniel's music. The vast, ever-changing seascape serves as a metaphor for his life and creative process. Memories of a different life by the sea permeate "Mothership Down," infusing the song with a sense of nostalgia and longing.”


“His built-in musical abilities and faultless presentations have made him a distinguished and well-seasoned musician. In his songwriting and music-making skills, he shows the utmost precision along. Lopez recently decided to work with well-known producer Jordan Lawlor, who is also the electronic artist, J. Laser (M83). His progressive work with Lawlor is a reflection of both the artists' long and successful careers and the extraordinary mastery of their respective crafts.”

— Edmrekords.com

“Mothership Down" is a stellar release from Looporia. It showcases Lopez's ability to craft immersive and emotionally rich music that resonates with listeners on multiple levels. As part of the Dystopian Fanatic project, it builds anticipation for what comes next in Lopez's musical journey. Whether you're a fan of dream pop, dance music, or simply appreciate well-crafted storytelling in music, "Mothership Down" is a track that deserves a place in your playlist.”


“I knew I was going to go on a voyage unlike any other when I initially hit play on Looporia’s “Mothership Down.” I was taken to a dreamlike world of warm rhythms and endearing tunes from the moment I heard the guitar’s initial strumming. A universe where music and emotion blended together harmoniously was shown to me by the opening chords, which felt like a light wind. The lyrical content, when paired with the straightforward instrumentation, produced an incredibly affecting and captivating ambiance.”

— Dulaxi.com

“The perfect showcase of Looporia’s memorable songwriting and original sound, Mothership Down delivers a charming dose of pulsing indie pop that’s sure to stick with listeners long after hearing it. With more of the Dystopian Fanatic project set to be revealed in the future, Looporia is sure to continue going from strength to strength on his exciting musical adventure.”

— Plasticmag.co.uk

“What makes “Mothership Down” so special isn’t in its kind-of-ambitious metaphorical cruise through emotional galaxies, but in how these themes underpin every beat and lyric in crafting of songs into stories, perhaps akin to Kubrick unspooling celluloid dreams in challenging gravities of the understanding cinema itself. It’s familiar, otherworldly enough to warrant exploration without needing any extraterrestrial knowledge—no overdrive in sight.”

— Musicarenagh.com

“When I tell you that Looporia has released an out-of-this-world banger this year, I’m not lying. Mothership Down is a game changer. Looporia happens to be the stage persona of Daniel Lopez. His work is unlike anything out there in the indie music scene; he categorizes his work as Dream Pop. That is a pretty accurate description of the technicolored pop experience that most of his songs grace our ears with. This new release, Mothership Down, revolves around the isolating experience of existence and friendship. Of course, this is spiced up with themes of adventure and spaceships.”

— Indiemusicflix.com